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An English summary of the book Umsamo: Kuthangi Nayizolo 

 Title: Umsamo: Kuthangi Nayizolo 

Author: Bhedlindaba “VVO” Mkhize 

ISBN 978-0-6398582-2-7 


Umsamo (sacred space/Altar): Kuthangi (yesterday but one) Nayizolo (yesterday) 

Umsamo (Kuthangi Nayizolo) is a profound exploration of African spirituality, particularly focusing on the concept of umsamo—a sacred space within the home where families connect with their ancestors. This book is a direct presentation and analysis of data gathered through participatory auto-ethnographic research. The book challenges modern African society to reconnect with traditional beliefs and practices, emphasizing that true knowledge and self-awareness come from understanding one’s heritage rather than solely relying on Western education. The author urges the reader to embrace ancestral wisdom, as rejecting it leads to spiritual disconnection and loss of identity. 

The book delves into the significance of dreams, spiritual messages, and the power of ancestral communication. It questions the paradox of believing in biblical figures like Solomon and Abraham while neglecting one’s own ancestors. The author highlights the contradictions in modern religious practices, where people seek divine guidance yet disregard the presence and influence of their own lineage. Through this, the book calls for a balanced understanding that integrates both traditional African spirituality and modern beliefs without erasing cultural identity. 

Additionally, Umsamo (Kuthangi Nayizolo) critically examines the impact of colonialism and Western ideologies on African traditions. It discusses how many African customs have been dismissed or labeled as outdated, even though they remain essential to maintaining a strong spiritual foundation. The book also critiques the tendency to accept foreign religious teachings while simultaneously neglecting indigenous practices that have long guided African societies. 

The book encourages readers to rethink their relationship with spirituality, urging them to embrace their roots rather than follow external influences blindly. Through powerful storytelling and deep introspection, Umsamo (Kuthangi Nayizolo) presents a compelling argument for reclaiming and preserving African traditions for future generations. The book serves as a call to action for individuals to reconnect with their spiritual heritage, respect their ancestors, and find strength in the wisdom of the past. 

This book is composed of the following sections:

  1. Okwenzeke kule nyanga esiyisongayo kungumsamo esihlale sikhuluma ngawo 
  2. Kuyinkinga ukungazi ngesintu, isiko nomlando 
  3. Kungabe lalithini izwi labantu zingakafiki izinkolo eziningi? 
  4. Ubonga umthandazo nje, uyazi ukuthi ubani okuphe inhlanhla? 
  5. Asiqaphele uma kuwukuthi sesigezwa into engasapheli 
  6. Izinto ezigcina sezivale ogobela emsebenzini wedlozi 
  7. Indlala yenza abantu bangalihloniphi idlozi lomuntu 
  8. Kwethulwe imiklomelo kugujwa olukaCredo Mutwa 
  9. Izinkinga ezingaphezu kwamayeza nomthandazo 
  10. Kumqoka ukubikela abangasekho uma uzohlaba 
  11. Kuningi okonakele uma kukhulunywa ngokuthwasa 
  12. Isibusiso kubalandeli bomsamo ngezoKhozi FM 
  13. Sikhululekile kodwa konakele emsamu womuntu omnyama 
  14. Ubukhulu nokuceba kwakho makube ukuzikhohlwa 
  1. What happened in this month that we are wrapping up is the platform we are sitting on  we talk about it 
  2. Ignorance of humanity, culture and history is a problem 
  3. What was the voice of the people before many religions came? 
  4. Thank you just for prayer, do you know who gave you luck? 
  5. Let’s be careful if we are washing something that doesn’t last 
  6. The things that end up shutting down the person who bows down to the work of the ancestor 
  7. Hunger makes people disrespect one’s ancestors 
  8. Awards were presented in celebration of Credo Mutwa 
  9. Problems beyond medicine and prayer 
  10. It is important to inform the deceased if you are going to slaughter 
  11. There is a lot that has gone wrong when it comes to initiation 
  12. A blessing to the fans of Khozi FM 
  13. We are free but it is corrupt in the black man’s field 
  14. May your greatness and wealth be forgotten 
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