Dr. VVO Mkhize and Mr. SA Mkhize are professional speakers who are able to capture the hearts and minds of your audience. Our professional speakers are able to relate to your audience and empower them insightful knowledge on African healing, medicine and culture. They possess the unique ability to articulate complicated concepts well and not topic is untouchable
Contact us
- +27 87 110 0555 (PMB)
- 010 007 5294 / 010 007 5295 (DBN)
- info@umsamo.org.za
Our Location
We are 19 km outside Pietermaritzburg towards Greytown. Whether from Durban or Johannesburg when you approach Pietermaritzburg City, take the road that leads you to Greytown Road. You will drive on that road until you see the Wartburg/Tongaat Road sign which you pass. Upon seeing the Albert Falls Dam and D73 road signs, turn right towards the D73 route, a gravel road, driving Eastwards. Drive for the next ?KMsuntil, and as you notice the Valley Farm on your left, Mlambomunye is visible and has several thatched huts on its yard.
we do not like turning people away, owing to a number of factors and of late,
the Covid-19 health regulations, it is advisable to first call and ensure that you
are included in the day’s client register.
call to make an appointment at: Tel 087 110 0555 between 08h00 – 17h00. No
calls are accepted after 17h00.
appointments are made through SMS, WhatsApp and emails. Exceptions may only
apply in the case of regular clients, based on certain applicable critical
In line with the resurgence of intellectual and academic interest
in decolonial studies, many centres or units broadly pursuing African studies,
have begun to gain prominence at universities in parts of Africa and the world.
Umsamo African Institute is determined to espouse an unapologetically African
way of life and philosophical ethos. part of a Dream that came to the founder
three years ago. It is a dynamic institution whose birth and growth are a
result of a dream that was gifted to the founder by his ancestors. Umsamo’s
birthing and evolution, continue to be guided by strict adherence to African
ancestral rituals and is therefore a site of sacred practices and many modes of
respect and indebtedness to the ancient spirits of Africa. initiation to be