Ancestral Calling

Ancestral Calling  is a problem to many people. What makes it complicated is the fact that there is not much research that has been done on how it happens and how it affects an individual. Even if we may want to conduct such research for the purposes of understanding, it will be very difficult as such calls differ from individual to individual.

But even though, there are occurrences which may be taken as common from person to person. Dr. Bhedlindaba Velaphi Mkhize has tried to combine his experiences on what happened to him when such a call attacked him and also the research he did from other Healers on how they were called: All that resulted in the writing of his book: Umsamo Nomhlahlo Wezangoma.

Dr. Bhedlindaba  Mkhize in all his work since he was INITIATED (WATHWASA) has been trying to set out a grammar for the interaction between the Human world, the world beyond us or the ancestral world  (whatever that may be, and however much or little we may be able to say about it). But still he has also tried to understand how these two worlds exist in relation to the Physical Universe.

His healing is done through the Philosophy of Umsamo which he describe as Holistic in terms of  the Body , Mind, and the Spirit (Soul), at his  isigodlo (Initiation Kraal) – UMLAMBOMUNYE – in Pietermaritzburg  (KZN Province –SA) where he assist all people who are suffering from Ancestral Calls.

He has to date initiated more than 25 AMATHWASA now working on their own others still under ancestral training.

International and Local Appearances

He does both International and Local appearances based on requests.  In all these occasions he addresses people on African Ancestral Wisdom, Heritage, Healing and Religion

Workshops and Training

Dr. Mkhize also devotes his time conducting intensive workshops and training. He teaches the African Values, ancestral wisdom and also how to behave yourself in acceptable community manner. Now standing at the threshold between worlds, realities and mind-sets, he lives his purpose and creates a bridge between the world of his people and the Global world

African Healing

He is a healer and has healed may people suffering from various problems. His healing is basically on:

Cleansing – Making your ancestors be able to communicate with you through dreams and Visions (Imibono)

Ancestral Identification –

Assist in the identification of ‘that ancestor’ which is looking after you and provides value to your life and how to look after that person.  A name of that person is also spelt out 

Ukuhlola (African Consultation) – Personal consultation-before he performs any healing,  first checks and see what is the core of the problem and thereafter can advise what needs to be done

Isigodlo SaseMlambomunye  (Mlambomunye School)

IsiGodlo SaseMlambomunye, (Mlambomunye School) is under Umsamo Institute and the South
African Healers Association. It is a treasure chest of African ancestral
wisdom, healing, counselling, belief and knowledge systems.

Our key medium of communication include decoding dreams and visions – amaphupho
nemibono. Over the years we have assisted several clients in enhancing their
spiritual reading of critical messages from their ancestors. Our aim is not to
take over from your ancestors – but to mainly remove bottlenecks, thereby
paving a relatively balanced relationship between our clients and their

For all the services we offer go to: and
visit Services.