Author: Bhedlindaba “VVO” Mkhize (PhD)
ISBN: 978-0-6398582-3-4

Umsamo (Altar –sacred space) – Nezibi Zezala (dirty/refuse from the dumping site)
The book Umsamo (Nezibi Zezala) explores the deep spiritual and cultural significance of traditional Zulu practices, emphasizing the importance of ancestral veneration and the preservation of indigenous customs. It highlights how modern misconceptions and neglect of these traditions contribute to spiritual disconnection, familial discord, and a loss of cultural identity. The book presents a compelling argument for the revival and correct observance of ancestral rituals as a means of restoring harmony within families and communities.
One major topic discussed is the concept of Umlotha Wasezaleni – Ukulahleka Kwesikhumba, which refers to the loss of cultural identity and spiritual detachment that occurs when ancestral traditions are ignored. The book asserts that improper burial practices, failure to acknowledge ancestral obligations, and neglect of rituals can result in disturbances within the family lineage. It warns that these disruptions manifest as misfortune, illness, and emotional distress, emphasizing the necessity of reconnecting with one’s roots to restore balance.
Another key theme is Ukuxabana Kobendle, which delves into the conflicts between traditional and modern belief systems. The book illustrates how Western influences and contemporary lifestyles have led to confusion and tension within families, particularly when younger generations dismiss ancestral practices as outdated or irrelevant. It urges individuals to bridge the gap between tradition and modernity by fostering an understanding of their cultural heritage and recognizing its enduring value.
The book also critiques the commercialization of traditional healing, warning against the rise of self-proclaimed healers who lack a genuine ancestral calling. It stresses the need for authenticity and wisdom in traditional healing practices, advocating for knowledgeable and ethical spiritual leaders to guide communities. The author expresses concern that those without true spiritual insight exploit people for financial gain, ultimately weakening the integrity of indigenous healing traditions.
A recurring message throughout the book is the importance of preserving umsamo, the sacred family space where ancestral connection is nurtured. Through personal anecdotes
and historical perspectives, the book underscores the significance of maintaining a strong spiritual foundation by honoring and engaging with one’s ancestors. It encourages families to revive and pass down long-forgotten customs to ensure that ancestral teachings continue to guide and uplift future generations.
In conclusion, Umsamo (Nezibi Zezala) serves as a powerful call to action, urging readers to reclaim and honor their cultural heritage. The book provides both practical guidance and profound philosophical insights, reinforcing the idea that the wisdom of the ancestors is a vital force in shaping identity, restoring harmony, and strengthening communal bonds.
The book is composed of 999 chapters as shown below:
- Isahluko sokuqala – Umuzi wesizulu (Chapter 1 – the Zulu homestead)
- Isahluko sesibili – Umsamo (Chapter 2 – the altar and the belief system with related rituals)
- Isahluko sesithathu -Inhlonipho yasemsamo (Chapter 3 –Veneration of the sacred space – the altar)
- Isahluko sesine – Ubaba nomama ekhaya (Chapter 4 –The roles of the father and the mother in relation to the wellbeing of the family including spirituality)
- Isahluko sesihlanu -Ukuzalwa komntwana (Chapter 5 –The birth of a child and related rituals)
- Isahluko sesithupha – Imicimbi yokukhulisa abantwana ekhaya (Chapter 6 – The mandatory rites of passage for children)
- Isahluko sesikhombisa – Imicimbi yesintu yasekhaya (Chapter 7 – Isintu family rituals for the home)
- Isahluko sesishiyagalombili – Amathongo asekhaya (Chapter 8 – Family ancestors and their different types)
- Isahluko sesishiyagalolunye – Ukuthetha ithongo ekhaya (Chapter 9 – Ways of communicating with ancestors)
- Isahluko seshumi – Ukuyocela isihlobo esihle nokulobolelana (Chapter 10 –Getting married and ilobolo)
- sahluko seshumi nanye – Umgcagco wesintu (Chapter 11 – Umgcagco rituals)
- Isahluko seshumi nambili – Ukuzihlonipha kukamame emzini (Chapter 12 – The self-respect and dignity of a daughter in law and the mother of the family)
- Isahluko seshumi nantathu – Ukufika komntwana (Chapter 13 –The arrival of newly born baby)
- Isahluko seshumi nane – Izimo zokuzaleka kwengane (Chapter 14 – Conditions of the birth of children and how such should be identified and handled)
- Isahluko seshumi nanhlanu – Isibongo somuntu (Chapter 15 –The phenomenon of surnames/family names)
- Isahluko seshumi nesithupha – Ukuqanjwa komntwana igama (Chapter 16 – the naming of children)
- Isahluko seshumi nesikhombisa – Ukwelusa nokuqhathwa entabeni (Chapter 17 – The socialization of children such as herding cattle and training for bravery)
- Isahluko seshumi nesishiyagalombili – Ukushona kumbe ukuhamba komuntu ekhaya (Chapter 18 – Death in a family and related rituals and rites of passage)
- Isahluko seshumi nesishiyalolunye – Okwenziwa uma kushoniwe ekhaya nasendaweni (Chapter 19 – Common death rituals)
- sahluko samashumi amabili – Ukubuyisa nokulanda umuntu osashona (Chapter 20 –Bringing the spirit of the deceased home; ashes from the dumpsite and how such gets lost)