ISBN: 978-07-961787-2-5
Author: Bhedlindaba “VVO” Mkhize

This book is written in IsiZulu to properly capture the essence of the Indigenous Knowledge System that is tied to African Indigenous Healing and its cognate facets. I am giving this English version of the overview of the book for the benefit of those who may not be able to read the Zulu version of the book. The book is an outcome of an autoethnographic research project on African Traditional Indigenous Healing systems and the psycho-social and philosophical underpinnings of the trade. The book is a praxis of African Indigenous Healing.
Narrative is both a a data gathering strategy and theoretical framework for this book project. The narrative approach is coupled with Isintuism. Isintuism is the philosophical understanding of the totality of being Nguni. Isintuism is all inclusive of indigenous knowledge systems, African indigenous knowledge, Nguni languages (in this case isiZulu), ethics (such as ubuntu), healing, medicine and spiritualities. In dealing with Isintuism it becomes prudent to use a Nguni language to articulate the wealth of Indigenous Knowledge on African Indigenous healing.
The importance and contribution of the book
This is an important book as it exposes foundational sources of African Indigenous Knowledge. The book is a foundation for indigenous Scholarship grounded in African spiritualities, African beliefs, African norms and Isintuism. The phenomenon of traditional healing is contineously evolving. This book engages the phenomenon of traditional healing from the past to the present and projection for the future. This book interrogates the identity of the traditional healer from the time of calling to be a healer, the training (initiation), graduation, practice and the nature of continuity of initiation for growth and contextuality. This is an academic book intended for academics in a variety of disciplines with specific focus in the study of religions and theology. The book is a challenge to academics dealing with the praxis of African Indigenous religious praxis. The book also applies to the theological underpinnings of African Indigenous healing and its relationship with the transcended being and ancestors. The book is inviting debate and sharing of knowledge in an interdisciplinary manner on the spirituality of African Indigenous healing. Further, the book relates to pastoral theology on how God offers healing to the flock through pastoral caregivers for the spiritual, physical, relational and psychological wellbeing of creation. The book challenges and invites discussion on African Healing and its place in contemporary African universities especial in in schools of medicine. Lastly, the book seeks to engage with scholars of African Indigenous Knowledge Systems on Africa philosophy and the use of African Indigenous Languages in African scholarship.
The key issues raised by the book
African Indigenous Knowledge System on healing in the academia has been deliberately overshadowed by western knowledge systems. There is a need for the decolonization of the foundations of the education system in South Africa and elsewhere in Africa to overcome white supremacy theories and practices. The book seeks o go as far back as possible in seeking to understand the essence of being an initiate, the role of being an initiate, how intiation begins and what it entails. Through participatory research, the book exposes some key ethical issues on how the initiates should behave as well as how those who are intitiating them should also behave. The book identifes things to look out for in the traditional ways of initiation into healing and be able to at least explain such phenomenon. The book attempts to give answers to some unanswerd questions about initiation and traditional healing. The
book also discusses the ethics for traditional healers as they relate to their sources of power, to their clients and to other healers.
The book is made up of 15 chapters as shown below:
- Isahluko 1 Isibuyekezo sasemandulo (Chapter 1 is the general introduction to the book)
- Isahluko 2 UNkulunkulu nemvelo (Chapter 2 delves into the area of God and nature)
- Isahluko 3 NgokwaseBhayibhelini Chapter 3 is about African Indigenous
- Isahluko 4 Isikhathi sokucabanga nokujula (Chapter 4 is about African thought –philosophy, pyschology, philosophy of religion, african religions as these interract with the global village)
- Isahluko 5 Ukwelapha kwesintu (Chapter 5 Exposes the intricases of African indigenous healing grounded in the work of the ancestors)
- Isahluko 6 Ukuthwasa, ukuthwasiswa nabelaphi bendabuko (Chapter 6 Complexifies the concepts of ititiation, being initiated and traditional healing)
- Isahluko 7 (Chapter 7 is about the methods of healing used by traditional healers especial how the do their diagnosis)
- Isahluko 8 Izevatho zikamelaphi nezikhali zakhe (Chapter 8 exposes the vestments and weapon and tools used by traditional healers)
- Isahluko 9 Isintu, isiko nemicimbi (Chapter 9 is an exposition of Isintuism, traditions, customs and the related rituals and rites of passage)
- Isahluko 10 Umelaphi wendabuko nokwelapha (Chapter 10 is about a traditional hea;er and healing in a variety of contetxts)
- Isahluko 11 Izilwane ezihambisana nethongo/idlozi (Chapter 11 deals with animals associated with ancestors and related rituals and rites of passage)
- Isahluko 12 Amaphupho nezibonakaliso (Chapter 12 explains dreams and visions in traditional healing)
- Isahluko 13 Osekubhaliwe ngamaphupho nezibonakaliso (Chapter 13 is a literature reiew on drams and visions in the Nguni worldview with consideration on beliefs about dreams)
- Isahluko 14 Ukuchazwa kwamaphupho (Chapter 14 Exegesis of types of dreams)
- Isahluko 15 Ukuqoqa (Chapter 15 is an overview of the key cocepts doscissed in this book.)